The successful selection and breeding of new rice varieties of the "zhongkefa" series by the Chinese Academy of Sciences has been demonstrated and applied in a large area

Publish Date:2019-09-22 13:26:11Visit:276

Reporter learned from institute of genetics and developmental biology, Chinese academy of sciences (cas) that the team of academician Li Jiayang made great breakthroughs in the field of rice molecular design and breeding--new rice varieties of the "zhongkefa no.5" and "zhongkefa " series which reviewed by the National Variety Approval Committee showed its strength at the field meeting held in Jilin city, Jilin province: in the demonstration plot of 2000 mu, "zhongkefa no.5" and other new varieties showed outstanding performance in yield, resistance to rice blast, resistance to lodging and other agronomic traits, with excellent appearance, good taste , and a bumper harvest is in sight.


According to the institute of genetic development of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Jiayang Li's team has been engaged in the research on the mechanism of growth and metabolism regulation of higher plants, the synthesis and action mechanism of plant hormones, and the molecular mechanism of plant plant type formation. The method system of plant gene mapping cloning was first established in China, which laid an important foundation for the study of rice function in China, cloned a series of important genes that affected rice plant type and other characteristics, and laid a solid theoretical foundation for the breeding of new rice varieties with high yield and high quality.



Time: September 11th, 2019


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